Cash-for-Query controversy: In the aftermath of her expulsion from the Lok Sabha over the cash-for-query scandal, Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra unleashed a defiant declaration, challenging the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to a 30-year battle. The fiery exchange unfolded following the Ethics Committees report discussion that led to Moitras ousting from the Lower House.Confrontation and Bold ProclamationAmidst the political upheaval, Moitra proclaimed, I am 49 years old, and for the next 30 years, I will fight you inside the Parliament and outside in the gutter and on the streets...We will see the end of you...This is the beginning of your end...Were going to come back and were going to see the end of you.Invoking Controversial RemarksMoitra didnt shy away from invoking the controversial remarks made by BJPs Ramesh Biduri against BSP MP Danish Ali. She questioned the lack of action against Biduri and accused the BJP of neglecting minority representation in Parliament.Allegations of Unfounded Ethics BreachMoitra, expelled from the 17th Lok Sabha over the cash-for-query case, contested the Ethics Committees findings, asserting that she was found guilty of breaching a non-existent code of ethics. She accused the committee of being a tool to suppress opposition.Parliamentary Committee WeaponizationIn a scathing critique, Moitra accused the Ethics Committee of being weaponized against the opposition, deviating from its intended role as a moral compass for members. She asserted that the committees actions were aimed at bulldozing the opposition, rendering it a tool for suppression.Contradictory Testimonies and Unfair ProceduresMoitra highlighted the contradictory testimonies of two private citizens, one of whom was her estranged partner. She lamented the lack of cross-examination opportunities, alleging unfair procedures and a biased approach in reaching conclusions.Unanswered Questions and Contradictory RecommendationsThe Ethics Committee report, recommending Moitras expulsion and calling for a legal inquiry, faced criticism from Congress MPs. Questions were raised about recommending an inquiry after declaring someone guilty, leading to perceptions of contradictory recommendations.Political Reactions and WalkoutPolitical reactions followed the expulsion, with Congress MPs denouncing the decision as based on baseless facts and driven by a sentiment of revenge. TMC and BSP MPs also voiced their discontent, emphasizing the lack of an opportunity for Moitra to present her side.BJP Defense and CritiqueThe BJP defended the expulsion, asserting it was essential to restore the credibility of the institution. BJP leaders criticised Mamata Banerjees support for Moitra, questioning her priorities and urging Moitras removal from the TMC.Parliamentary Affairs and Future BattlesParliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi countered accusations, stating the expulsion wasnt related to gender and cited Moitras acknowledgement of receiving gifts. The ensuing walkout and contentious exchanges set the stage for potential future battles in the political arena.Expulsion Amidst ControversyMoitras expulsion, marked by controversy and bold declarations, adds fuel to the ongoing political tensions, with implications for the dynamics within and outside Parliament. The aftermath of this clash is likely to reverberate through future political discourse.