Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the Indian National Congress (INC) has shaken up its national leadership, announcing a major reshuffle of party in-charges for various states on Saturday. In a significant move, Avinash Pande was appointed as Uttar Pradeshs in-charge, replacing Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. While, young leader Sachin Pilot is appointed as Chhattisgarh in-charge.Other notable appointments include Senior Kerala leader Ramesh Chennithala taking charge of the All India Congress Committee in charge of Maharashtra, Mukul Wasnik overseeing Gujarat, and Jitendra Singh handling Assam and Madhya Pradesh. Congress President Shri @kharge has assigned the organisational responsibilities to the following persons with immediate effect. pic.twitter.com/qWhwiJzysj— Congress (@INCIndia) December 23, 2023Reshuffle in Congress leadershipThe reshuffle extends across the country, with Randeep Singh Surjewala entrusted with Karnataka, Dipak Babaria tackling Delhi and Haryana, and Kumari Selja leading the charge in Uttarakhand. GA Mir will handle Jharkhand and West Bengal, while Deepa Dasmunshi is appointed as the incharge of Kerala, Lakshadweep, and Telangana.Looking beyond state duties, Jairam Ramesh will head communications, KC Venugopal will head organizations, and Gurgeep Singh Sappal will manage administration.The party further appointed its regional leadership as: Mohan Prakash for Bihar, Dr Chellakumar for Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Arunachal Pradesh, and Dr Ajoy Kumar for Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and Puducherry.The strategic shuffle comes after the Congress faced a setback in the recent Assembly elections, losing power in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. This revamped leadership lineup marks the partys determination to revitalize its campaign and reclaim its ground in the upcoming national polls.With young blood like Pilot leading the charge in key states alongside experienced strategists like Chennithala and Pande, the Congress aims to present a strong and united front against the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. Whether this reshuffle translates into electoral success remains to be seen, but its clear that the Congress is leaving no stone unturned in its quest to regain its lost ground.Earlier this month, the Congress faced a huge setback in the Assembly elections in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, losing power in the first two states.