New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court has remanded Sandip Ghosh, the former principal of RG Kar Medical College, to judicial custody until September 23. Ghosh faces allegations of financial irregularities during his tenure as principal. Alongside him, his security personnel Afsar Ali and contractors Biplab Sinha and Suman Hazra have also been sent to judicial custody for the same duration.The CBI, which took over the investigation from the states Special Investigation Team (SIT) following an order by the Calcutta High Court, may seek further custody if more evidence is uncovered. This development comes amidst ongoing protests related to the rape and murder of a female doctor from the same institution.Doctors murder linked to financial misconductThe case took a darker turn after the discovery of the body of a woman medic, who had been raped and murdered, at RG Kar Medical College. Investigators, still searching for leads on the murder, suspect that the crime could be connected to the alleged financial irregularities. Ghosh had ordered the partial demolition of a restroom near the crime scene shortly before his arrest, raising concerns that crucial evidence may have been destroyed.High-Profile corruption and murder probeA petition by Dr. Akhtar Ali, a former deputy superintendent at the hospital, has called for an Enforcement Directorate (ED) investigation into the financial misconduct, suggesting that the murdered doctor might have been aware of the corruption and possibly posed a threat to those involved. The CBI continues to investigate both the financial irregularities and the circumstances surrounding the doctors death.Ghosh was arrested on September 2 following multiple rounds of questioning. As the probe unfolds, the CBI is under pressure to uncover any links between Ghoshs alleged misconduct and the tragic death of the woman doctor.