The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a charge sheet against Deepti R Pinniti, a self-styled investigator and YouTuber, accusing her of using forged letters from high dignitaries, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, in a YouTube video related to the death of Bollywood actor Sridevi. The charge sheet comes after a complaint was filed by Mumbai-based lawyer Chandni Shah, alleging that Pinniti presented several forged documents, including letters from prominent figures, in her online content.Background of the CaseLast year, the CBI registered a case against Deepti R Pinniti and her lawyer Bharath Suresh Kamath following a complaint referred by the Prime Ministers Office. Chandni Shahs complaint highlighted the alleged use of forged letters by Pinniti in connection with the death of Sridevi, who passed away in Dubai in February 2018. Pinniti, known for her active participation in social media discussions surrounding Bollywood actors deaths, made sensational claims regarding a coverup between the two governments in interviews based on her investigations.Allegations and ResponseChandni Shahs complaint pointed out that the documents, including letters from the Prime Minister and Defence Minister, presented by Pinniti during her YouTube discussions appeared to be forged. The CBI, after conducting searches at Pinnitis residence in Bhubaneswar last December, stated in its report that the documents related to the prime minister and the defence minister were indeed forged.In response to the CBI charge sheet, Pinniti expressed disbelief and raised concerns about the process, stating that the CBI filed charges against her without recording her statement. She emphasized that the evidence would be presented in court when charges are framed. Pinniti also questioned the CBIs role, asserting that when the letters in question are incriminating against the authorities under whom the CBI operates, there is a conflict of interest.CBIs Findings and ChargesAccording to the CBIs report submitted to a special court, Deepti R Pinniti and Bharath Suresh Kamath are charged under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 465 (forgery), 469 (forgery for purpose of harming reputation), and 471 (using forged documents as genuine). The investigation revealed that the documents presented by Pinniti during her YouTube discussions were fabricated.Impact on Government ImageChandni Shah, in her complaint, accused Pinniti of repeatedly tarnishing the image of the present government by making bizarre accusations, including linking the government to Sridevis death. The CBIs actions reflect the seriousness with which it views the alleged use of forged documents to support sensational claims related to a high-profile case.