UP News: Samajwadi Party (SP) MP Ram Gopal Yadav found himself at the center of a heated controversy on Monday after making a derogatory comment about Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud during an interaction with the media. The remark, which appeared to insult the CJI in relation to his earlier statements about the Ayodhya dispute, quickly attracted widespread criticism. However, Yadav later retracted his comments, claiming that he had been misquoted.Yadavs controversial statementWhile speaking to reporters, Yadav initially stated, I do not want to make any comments. When you bring ghosts back to life, they become ghosts and start following justice. Where are they now... Forget it, all such ****** people keep on saying such things. Should I take notice of them This comment was interpreted as a direct attack on CJI Chandrachud following his remarks on praying to God for a solution in the Ayodhya dispute.Samajwadi Party MP Ram Gopal Yadav unleashes the filthiest abuse against the Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, followed by the CJIs statement on the Babri case JudgementRam Gopal Yadav: “I dont want to comment on the matter but जब मुर्दों को जिंदा करते हो, तो भूत बन… pic.twitter.com/0HdVJ7VS2g— Priti Gandhi (@MrsGandhi) October 21, 2024Yadavs denial and clarificationFaced with intense backlash, Ram Gopal Yadav soon denied the statements attributed to him, claiming he had not been asked about the CJI at all. Nobody asked me anything about the CJI. The CJI is a very reputed person. I never made any comment (on him). I was asked about Bahraich (violence), and I responded to that, Yadav clarified in a conversation with the media.#WATCH | Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh: SP leader Ram Gopal Yadav clarifies his remark on the CJI...an earlier video soundbyte of his showed him apparently using an objectionable remark when asked a question on CJIs remark on Ayodhya verdict. pic.twitter.com/YrDmw3uCpu— ANI (@ANI) October 21, 2024Akhilesh Yadavs responseReacting to the controversy, SP chief Akhilesh Yadav distanced himself from the remarks, stating, We all respect the CJI. He added that he was not aware of the specific comment made by his uncle Ram Gopal Yadav. The controversy stems from CJI Chandrachuds comments on the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute, where he revealed he prayed for a peaceful resolution before delivering the historic verdict. Chandrachud stated, I sat before the deity and told him he needed to find a solution. Believe me, if you have faith, God will always find a way.