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Bureaucracy, corruption, nepotism at its peak: Randeep Surjewala criticizes Haryana govt on India Manch

Surjewala didn't hold back as he took personal jabs at Haryana's Chief Minister, Nayab Singh Saini. He likened the situation to "putting a razor in the hands of a monkey," stating that the leadership is ill-equipped to manage the state's affairs.

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Randeep Surjewala (IDL)

India Manch: Congress leader Randeep Surjewala attended the Kaithal edition of India Daily Live's India Manch, where he launched a scathing attack on the Nayab Singh Saini government of Haryana. According to Surjewala, the state has been without effective governance for the past decade, plagued by bureaucracy, corruption, and nepotism.

Razor in monkey's hand

Surjewala didn't hold back as he took personal jabs at Haryana's Chief Minister, Nayab Singh Saini. He likened the situation to "putting a razor in the hands of a monkey," stating that the leadership is ill-equipped to manage the state's affairs. He addressed journalists on stage, saying, "If your channel were handed over to someone who doesn't understand journalism, they would shut it down. This is what's happening in Haryana. We have entrusted the government to people who neither know how to run it nor how to work effectively."

Khattar vs Saini

When asked whose tenure was better, Manohar Lal Khattar's or Nayab Singh Saini's, Surjewala didn't hesitate to criticize both. Quoting senior BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi, he said, "The governments of both Nayab Saini and Manohar Lal Khattar are zero plus zero equals zero."

Alarming state of debt

Surjewala pointed out that when Haryana was formed on November 1, 1966, the state managed a debt of about 60 thousand crores for approximately 46-47 years until 2014. However, this debt has now ballooned to over three and a quarter lakh crores.

He questioned the audience, "Was any new university built? Any medical college? Any power station? Did any major industries like Maruti Suzuki come up? Have we become a hub for IT, automobiles, AI, or biotechnology? The answer to all these questions is no. So, how did we accumulate so much debt?"
