New Delhi: A public dialogue event in Hisar took a dramatic turn when former Chief Minister and Union Minister Manohar Lal Khattar ordered the expulsion of a young man who disrupted his speech. The incident unfolded during a rally aimed at garnering support for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Dr. Kamal Gupta, who is contesting from Hisar.Heated exchange at DharamshalaThe gathering took place at Punjabi Dharamshala in Patel Nagar, where Dr. Kamal Gupta initially addressed the audience. After Guptas remarks, Khattar took to the stage, asserting that the BJP was poised to form the government in Haryana. “This time, the BJP government will be formed in the state everyone agrees with this, right” he said. Khattar emphasized the importance of electing a BJP MLA from Hisar, claiming that Dr. Kamal Gupta was a dedicated public servant who deserved support.Watch the video here:हरियाणा के पूर्व सीएम और अब केंद्रीय मंत्री मनोहर लाल खट्टर आज हिसार में एक युवा पर भड़क गये।देखिए कैसे।— Sukesh Ranjan (@RanjanSukesh) September 25, 2024However, the atmosphere shifted when a young man interrupted, stating, “The BJP will form the government in the state, but Dr. Kamal Gupta will lose.” This bold assertion did not sit well with Khattar, who reacted with visible anger.Take him out: Khattar Khattar summoned the young man to approach the stage, but when he did, Khattar ordered his security personnel to remove him from the venue. “How dare you say that” Khattar exclaimed, questioning the young mans audacity. In a defiant retort, the youth responded, “Whats the point of courage” Undeterred, Khattar insisted, “Take him out,” emphasizing his authority over the event.Setting record straightFollowing the incident, Khattar addressed the audience to clarify a point of confusion regarding the candidates in Hisar. He asserted that rumors were circulating about there being two BJP candidates. “There is only one BJP candidate in Hisar, and that is Dr. Kamal Gupta,” he declared. He also remarked on the political climate, hinting at the influence of prominent figures in the elections. Without naming Savitri Jindal, one of Indias wealthiest women, Khattar criticized any candidate attempting to leverage someone elses reputation for electoral gain, labeling it as “political immorality.”