After a massive win in the Hindi heartland, the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday announced the battle plans for 2024 and discussion of cabinet formation in the winning states comes after the party emerged triumphant in the recently ended assembly polls in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh.Jagat Prakash Nadda, the national president of the party, hosted discussions over the formation of the cabinet.According to the sources, cabinet formation will prioritise social engineering and division ahead of the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections. In addition, a thorough discussion of the partys agenda and electoral manifesto took place.It was JP Nadda who summoned the first meeting of Rajasthan at about 5:30 PM. Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and the partys general secretary, BL Santosh, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari, Premchand Bairwa, etc. were present at this meeting.Apart from this, Gajendra Shekhawat, national general secretary and in-charge Arun Singh, co-in-charge Vidya Rahatkar, state president CP Joshi among others were present in the meeting.Discussion in meetingAccording to the sources, in the meeting the party discussed about the implementation of the promises that were made during the assembly elections in the manifesto to be implemented before the Lok Sabha elections in 2024 so that people could see these promises being fulfilled. Along with this, party agendas and state schemes were also discussed.The BJP swept Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, defying exit-poll projections of a tight race and winning seats.Strategy of BJPThe Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is undoubtedly strategising for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections however, the details of their exact battle plans remain largely under wraps. The political landscape can change rapidly, and unforeseen events could drastically impact the outcome.Opposition parties will also present their own agendas and strategies, making the 2024 elections highly competitive.