The Varanasi Municipal Corporation in Uttar Pradesh witnessed an unexpected event that sparked much discussion on Tuesday. BJP councilors confronted Municipal Commissioner Akshat Verma during Samadhan Diwas, accusing him of being autocratic and neglecting their areas. This led to a heated exchange between the councilors and the commissioner. The BJP councilors accused the commissioner of being unresponsive and claimed that he was not adequately addressing the needs of their constituencies. They criticized him for the poor state of the citys infrastructure, particularly in preparation for the monsoon season. However, Commissioner Verma defended his actions, asserting that work was being conducted swiftly and efficiently to address the citys issues.Monsoon woes expose claimsThe rainfall on Wednesday put the commissioners claims to the test. Many areas of the city, including Dalmandi, Kabirchaura, and the Church of the Southern Assembly, experienced severe waterlogging. This bolstered the councilors accusations, as residents of Varanasi found themselves dealing with the aftermath of inadequate municipal preparations.Watch the video here:कुर्सी पर बैठे वाराणसी के नगरायुक्त अक्षय वर्मा हैं और उनसे नोकझोंक करने वाले BJP पार्षद।पार्षद गुस्सा थे कि वाराणसी में सीवर की सफाई नहीं हुई। लोग गंदगी से परेशान हैं। शिकायतें नहीं सुनी जा रहीं।पार्षदों ने आरोप लगा दिया कि नागरायुक्त जी, आपकी वजह से मोदीजी को कम वोट मिले।— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) June 26, 2024Blame game continuesThe backdrop to this incident includes the recent Varanasi Lok Sabha elections, where BJP candidate PM Narendra Modi won for the third consecutive time. However, the victory margin was reduced compared to previous elections. BJP councilors from the Southern Assembly blamed the Municipal Corporation for the lower voter turnout and subsequently reduced victory margin. They claimed that the corporations inefficiency and neglect were major factors.Commissioners clarificationCommissioner Verma dismissed the allegations of negligence as baseless. He stated that with 100 councilors in the Municipal Corporation, its impractical to address every issue personally. Instead, complaints are directed to the relevant officials. Verma highlighted the ongoing efforts to clean sewers, manage waterlogging, and ensure a steady water supply before the monsoon season.Clash of perspectivesThe clash on Tuesday was not just about administrative inefficiency but also about communication and respect. Verma accused some councilors of speaking rudely and creating unnecessary pressure. He emphasized the importance of respecting the position, regardless of who holds it. According to Verma, while trying to explain the situation, some councilors escalated the conversation, leading to a heated debate.