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Bilkis Bano 'can breathe again' after Supreme Court’s order, says ‘This is what justice feels like'

Reacting to Supreme Court verdict for quashing remission order of convicts, Bilkis Bano said that she felt like a "stone the size of a mountain" had been lifted from her chest and that she could breathe again.

Edited By: Alina Khan
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Bilkis Bano expressed profound relief after the Supreme Court nullified the premature release of 11 men convicted for the gang rape and murder of her family during the 2002 Gujarat riots. In a powerful statement, she said the judgement felt like a massive burden had been lifted, allowing her to finally breathe freely and hug her children.

When the convicts were granted remission by the Gujarat government and released last August, a distraught Bano said she simply collapsed, having exhausted her inner resilience. But the remarkable solidarity shown by thousands of ordinary Indians nationwide gave her the courage to persist with the legal fight.

What did Bilkis Bano say about Supreme Court’s verdict?

Bano conveyed heartfelt gratitude to the Supreme Court for its order that restored her faith in the promise of equal justice for all. She said for the first time in over eighteen months, she could smile, marking the start of a new chapter in her life and her children's future.

"Today is truly the New Year for me. I have wept tears of relief. I have smiled for the first time in over a year and a half. I have hugged my children. It feels like a stone the size of a mountain has been lifted from my chest, and I can breathe again. This is what justice feels like. I thank the honourable Supreme Court of India for giving me, my children and women everywhere, this vindication and hope in the promise of equal justice for all," Bano said in a statement released by her lawyer.

Devastated due to 2022’s order

She vividly recounted how on August 15, 2022, the release of those who destroyed her family left her devastated beyond belief, saying, “A year and a half ago, on August 15, 2022, when those who had destroyed my family and terrorised my very existence, were given an early release, I simply collapsed."

However, the support of a million people, especially women, helped her summon the will to not just ensure justice for herself but for all of India's women.

Bilkis thanks her extraordinary lawyer - Shobha Gupta

According to Bano, the arduous journey could never have been undertaken alone. Her husband and children backed her at every step. She thanked her lawyer Shobha Gupta for persevering unwaveringly for over 20 years to never let Bano lose hope of justice.

Bano spoke of drawing courage from friends who showed humanity amidst hatred and held her hand during the most difficult turns. She highlighted the thousands who filed PILs in the Supreme Court, wrote appeals and open letters advocating her cause across the country's length and breadth.

In conclusion, Bano stated the top court’s verdict reaffirmed the primacy of the rule of law and equality before the law as enshrined in India's constitution. She would cherish its full meaning in her personal life and for her children.

What SC’s verdict underscores?

Bano was 21 years old and pregnant when she was sexually assaulted by 11 men during the Gujarat riots after which seven of her family were killed. The apex court's landmark judgement upholding her right to justice represents a victorious milestone in Bano's long struggle for closure from a haunting tragedy. It strongly reiterates universal values of humanism, justice and gender equality.
