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Bilaspur: Reckless car driver crushes minor under wheels while family watches in horror | VIDEO

As families and drivers alike reflect on the accident, this incident serves as a grim reminder of the importance of both vigilance and precaution, particularly when children are near roadways.

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The incident has deeply impacted the local community, raising questions about the role of parental supervision and driver attentiveness in such cases. (X/ItsKhan_Saba)

New Delhi: A tragic incident unfolded in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh when a young boy lost his life after being run over by a car near his home. The accident, which occurred around 11:40 p.m. on October 12, was captured on video and has since raised significant concerns about safety and supervision.

The child struck while playing

According to reports, the young boy was picking up something off the road while his mother and siblings were nearby, engaged in badminton. Suddenly, a car making a sharp turn drove through the area, tragically running over the child, who was likely unnoticed due to either darkness or a blind spot.

Community shock and family’s loss

The incident has deeply impacted the local community, raising questions about the role of parental supervision and driver attentiveness in such cases. The heartbreaking scene has led to discussions on social media, where users have questioned whether the accident could have been prevented by either closer parental attention or more cautious driving, especially at night.

Safety concerns raised

As families and drivers alike reflect on the accident, this incident serves as a grim reminder of the importance of both vigilance and precaution, particularly when children are near roadways. Authorities and safety advocates continue to urge parents to monitor young children in areas where vehicles are present and drivers to exercise additional caution in low-visibility conditions.
