Indiranagar woman traffic police incident: A young woman reportedly attempted to assault traffic police officers on Thursday at a busy intersection in Bengalurus Indiranagar area. The incident, captured on video and widely shared on social media, unfolded near the ESI Hospital junction and quickly became the center of public attention.Altercation with a rider leads to escalationIdentified as Sonam, the woman allegedly began arguing with a motorcyclist, leading to a heated exchange that drew the attention of traffic officers nearby. As the police intervened to diffuse the situation, Sonams actions reportedly escalated, with her pulling at an officers body camera, further intensifying the disturbance.Alleged physical assault on traffie police officers, video surfacesEyewitnesses recounted that despite attempts by the officers to pacify her, Sonam persisted in creating a scene and allegedly tried to assault them physically. The video footage shows her attempting to stomp on one of the officers feet and making verbal threats, claiming she would ensure all officers present at the scene lost their jobs.A young woman allegedly attempted to assault traffic police officers in #Bengalurus #Indiranagar area.The incident, the video of which went viral on social media, occurred on Thursday, when the woman, identified as #Sonam, reportedly got into an altercation with a rider,…— Hate Detector 🔍 (@HateDetectors) October 25, 2024Police response and investigationThe Indiranagar Police have confirmed that they are preparing to file an FIR against Sonam for her alleged misbehavior. Sources indicated that Sonam may have a history of mental health challenges, which could have contributed to her actions.The police investigation is ongoing, with officers reviewing video evidence and gathering additional details to fully understand the context of the incident.