New Delhi: On the evening of August 22, a series of alarming thefts occurred on Indira Nagars bustling 100 ft Road, near popular stores like Global Desi and Westside. Around 7:30 PM, four cars parked in the area were targeted by a group of thieves who managed to steal bags containing laptops and other valuables. Unfortunately, I was one of the victims affected by this brazen act.Swift and silent robbery caught on CCTVCCTV footage from the area reveals the entire incident. One of the thieves used a specialized device to silently break the windows of the parked cars—a tactic that the police say is increasingly common in such thefts. Meanwhile, another member of the gang distracted a nearby security guard, allowing the thieves to swiftly grab the bags and make their escape. This entire operation was carried out in plain view on a crowded street, raising serious concerns about the safety of Bengalurus streets.On Aug 22, around 7:30pm, 4 cars were hit on the busy Indira Nagar Main 100ft road near Global Desi store & Westside. Thieves broke windows of all 4 cars, snatched 3 bags with laptops and valuables. Im one of the victims.CCTV footage shows it all. One guy uses a special device…— Surya (@Surya95A) August 28, 2024A Disturbing PatternWhats even more concerning is that this is not an isolated incident. Similar thefts have reportedly taken place in the same lane on previous occasions. The frequency of such crimes is making Bengaluru residents feel increasingly unsafe, particularly in areas that are typically busy and well-trafficked.Urgent Need for Police ActionThis incident has been reported to the Bengaluru City Police, and there is an urgent need for swift action to catch these criminals and prevent further thefts. The authorities must enhance security measures and increase patrols in these vulnerable areas to restore the communitys sense of safety.In the meantime, residents are urged to remain vigilant. Do not leave valuables visible in your vehicles, and report any suspicious activity immediately. Lets work together to keep our streets safe.