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In the Saurabh Singh Rajput murder case, the murderer wife Muskan and her boyfriend Sahil Shukla are lodged in Meerut jail. The court has sent them to judicial custody for 14 days. When Muskan Rastogi was taken to jail, she was completely silent. According to the jail officer, Muskan wanted her barrack to be in front of Sahil. But this was not possible. Because according to the jail manual, female prisoners are kept separate from the barracks of male prisoners.
Saurabh Rajput Murder Case
The jailor said- Muskan has been kept in barrack number-12. Whereas, Sahil has been kept in barrack number-18. As soon as Muskan was put in jail at 7 pm, her facial expressions changed. She did not sleep the whole night. She did not even eat food. She kept turning from one side to another the whole night. She could not sleep at all. Sometimes she would sit and sometimes she would get up and start walking. When Muskan was being taken to jail, she only said this- whatever I did was not good. I should not have killed Saurabh.
Muskaan accused of murdering her husband
Muskan brutally killed her husband Saurabh Rajput due to an extra marital affair. Then she chopped the body into 15 pieces and put it in a drum and mixed cement solution on it. Her boyfriend Sahil also helped her in this.
Accused thrashed by Lawyers
The police presented Muskan and Sahil in front of the media before presenting them in the court. Muskan had sindoor in her hair parting. She was standing with her eyes down. When she was asked- in whose name is this sindoor? Muskan kept quiet on this. After this, the police took Muskan and Sahil to court. But outside the court, the lawyers surrounded both of them. They beat them up badly, pulled Sahil's hair and even tore his clothes. The police barely saved both of them and took them to the court room. After this, Muskan's terror has increased even more.