A deeply disturbing video has emerged on social media, showing a woman mercilessly beating and verbally abusing a young girl. The incident reportedly took place in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, where a woman identified as Pooja, a resident of Deendayal Nagar, has been accused of assaulting her 13-year-old niece in a shocking display of cruelty. The horrifying act has sparked outrage and led to the registration of a case against the woman after the girls maternal grandfather filed a formal complaint.Family Dispute Leads to Shocking AbuseSources reveal that the young girls parents are divorced, and she resides with her fathers family. The incident allegedly occurred when the girls aunt, Pooja, became enraged after the girl responded to her in a manner that displeased her. In a fit of anger, the woman grabbed the child and began beating her ruthlessly.The video, which has now gone viral, shows Pooja holding the girl between her legs and striking her repeatedly with both hands. Throughout the ordeal, she is heard menacingly asking, Will you speak now Will you do it now Despite the childs desperate pleas for her grandmother to intervene, the woman continued her vicious assault without remorse.बेरहम चाची को देखिएMP के रतलाम में चाची करती थी बच्ची के साथ मारपीटपुलिस कर रही बच्चे की रेस्क्यू की तैयारी pic.twitter.com/NRc2zuhRGL— manu saxena (@manurajsaxena21) August 22, 2024Grandmothers Video Leads to Police InvolvementThe girls grandmother, who reportedly witnessed the entire incident, recorded the video and sent it to the childs mother on Wednesday. Shocked and distressed, the mother immediately informed the girls maternal grandfather, who then contacted the police. In his complaint, he called for strict legal action against Pooja, highlighting that the childs mother had previously divorced due to similar harassment from her in-laws and husband. It was mutually decided that one of the couples daughters would live with the mother, while the other would remain with the father.The incident has raised serious concerns about child safety within families and has led to widespread condemnation. Authorities are expected to investigate the matter thoroughly and take appropriate action against the accused.