A heart-wrenching video has surfaced from Uttar Pradeshs Banda, where a man, who has been identified as Rohan, an MBBS student hailing from Meerut, claims to have ended his life while streaming live on social media. The video has been recorded before taking the drastic step. The emotional video, which has since garnered widespread attention, saw Rohan openly blaming his wife, Akshara, for taking such a drastic step.On the day of taking this drastic step, Rohans live video captured the final moments of his life, leaving viewers shocked and distressed. In the video, Rohan expressed deep anguish and cited his wife, Akshara, as the primary reason for his despair. The footage reveals his emotional state and the severity of the situation, as he directed his blame towards her before the tragic event unfolded.सुसाइड से पहले का लाइव वीडियो...बाँदा में मेरठ के MBBS स्टूडेंट रोहन ने जान देने से पहले लाइव वीडियो बनाया और GF से पत्नि बनी अक्षरा को अपनी मौत का जिम्मेदार बताया।#UttarPradesh https://t.co/SO0q1YTfiM pic.twitter.com/vz7DJgKo3a— TRUE STORY (@TrueStoryUP) August 9, 2024The Aftermath and ReactionsThe incident has sparked a significant outpouring of grief among people. As authorities investigate the circumstances surrounding Rohans death, the focus has shifted to understanding the underlying issues that led to this tragic outcome. The video has prompted discussions on mental health support and the impact of personal relationships on mental well-being.More inputs on the case are awaited…Meanwhile, in another breakthrough, Bareilly Police have successfully apprehended Kuldeep Gangwar, a notorious criminal whose name has sent shockwaves throughout Uttar Pradesh. This arrest, part of Operation Talaash, marks a crucial victory in the fight against a series of heinous crimes committed by Gangwar.In Bareilly district alone, Gangwars reign of terror claimed the lives of nine women. These violent acts have not only instilled fear but have also sparked widespread outrage among residents. The communitys sense of safety has been severely shaken by these crimes.The arrest of Kuldeep Gangwar is seen as a major step towards restoring security and justice for the victims and their families.Authorities continue to investigate the full extent of his criminal activities to ensure that all victims receive the justice they deserve.