Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal announced today, September 15, that he will step down from his position as CM within two days. In a bold statement, Kejriwal said, I will not sit on the chair of CM unless people ask me to do so. He emphasised that he seeks public validation of his honesty before resuming his role.Kejriwal, who was recently released from Tihar Jail, further added, I will only sit on CMs chair after the people give me a certificate of honesty. I want to go through the agnipariksha after coming out of jail. His declaration comes after being granted bail by the Supreme Court in connection with a corruption case.Temporary leadership for DelhiIn his address, Kejriwal confirmed that neither he nor AAP leader Manish Sisodia will take up the position of CM until the next elections. Until the elections are held, there will be someone else as CM, Kejriwal noted. His decision is seen as a strategic move to rebuild public trust after the recent controversies surrounding his leadership.Delhi: CM Arvind Kejriwal says, ... I am going to resign from the CM position after two days. I will not sit on the CM chair until the people give their verdict... I will go to every house and street and not sit on the CM chair till I get a verdict from the people...— ANI (@ANI) September 15, 2024First visit to party office after releaseKejriwal made his first visit to AAPs new party office on Sunday morning, after being released from Tihar Jail on Friday night. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann praised Kejriwals leadership, stating that he kept the party united even while in jail. If any other party had faced so many challenges, it would have broken apart, Mann added.AAPs upcoming campaignsDuring a meeting held on Saturday, Kejriwal and senior AAP leaders discussed key political strategies, including plans for the upcoming Haryana assembly elections, where AAP will contest all 90 seats. General Secretary Sandeep Pathak confirmed the partys intention to fight with full strength in Haryana.Kejriwals release from Tihar Jail was celebrated by a large gathering of AAP leaders and supporters. The Supreme Court granted him bail, stating that prolonged incarceration would unjustly deprive him of liberty. Kejriwals supporters marked the occasion with firecrackers outside his residence.