New Delhi: A shocking video has gone viral on social media showing a plastic spoon inside a sealed beer bottle in Nandyala district of Andhra Pradesh. The video has caused outrage and raised concerns about the quality control at the bottling plant.According to various media reports, a customer from Banaganapalli town bought two beers on Wednesday morning from a wine shop in the Kondapeta area. When they reached home, they were shocked to find a plastic spoon inside one of the unopened bottles.Video surfaces on the internet In the video, a man holds up an unopened beer bottle, with a plastic spoon visible inside. Then he opened the bottle, proving that the spoon was inside the sealed container. The incident reportedly happened in Nandyala district of Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday, involving a beer bottle Kingfisher-make.Spoon in beer bottle 😂నాణ్యమైన మద్యం కోసం ఓటు వేసిన వాళ్ళు ఎంజాయ్ పండగో 😂— Christopher clincher (@kick06176629399) June 26, 2024Users show concernPeople on social media have expressed their disgust and disbelief at finding a spoon in a sealed beverage bottle. Many have questioned the hygiene and safety standards at the bottling plant. This incident shows the need for strict quality control in the food and beverage industry. Consumers should trust the products they buy, and it is up to manufacturers to ensure their products are safe to consume.Another shocking incidentA couple of days ago, A doctor from Malad discovered part of a human finger in an ice cream he ordered online. Then he filed a complaint in this regard and Malad police sent the finger for forensic examination and filed an FIR against the management staff of the ice cream brand, Yumma. This incident shocked social media users and showed concerns regarding the online ordering of food products and manufacturing companies. Users reposted and commented on the posts and videos. Few days ago a Mumbai Doctor who had ordered ice cream online found a piece of severed Human Finger in it.After his complaint police have now traced the factory in Pune, MH and found that it belongs to a worker who was injured during work.Did the factory know about the…— Cow Momma (@Cow__Momma) June 19, 2024