Delhi Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) office has approved the Lok Sabha election campaign song of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) after the party made modifications to it. AAP MLA Dilip Pandey, who wrote and gave voice to the song, has confirmed that the song has been approved. On April 28, the Aam Aadmi Party had claimed that the Election Commission had banned its campaign song Jail Ka Jawab Vote Se Denge.AAP made modifications in campaign songHowever, Delhi Election Commission officials had said that AAP was asked to modify the content of the song as it violated the commissions guidelines and advertising code. An official said that after making amendments, the party resubmitted its proposal to the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) office, after which the song was approved. This song was released last month.AAP accused of banningIn fact, AAP had accused the office of the Chief Electoral Officer of Delhi of banning the election campaign song. However, the Election Commission rejected the claims. The office of the Returning Officer had told that in every state a committee works under the leadership of the Chief Returning Officer which keeps an eye on the campaign material of the candidates and approves the election campaign songs on the same basis.Delhi CEOs examines itAccording to the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, the campaign material of the party or candidate going on electronic or social media is approved after examining it and passing it on the criteria of code of conduct. After this the committee either approves or rejects the publicity material.