New Delhi: Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Thursday slammed Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi for demanding the arrest of industralist Gautam Adani, and said that the Congress leader is suffering from an Adani phobia. Rahul Gandhi reads what he is been given on the paper. Rahul Gandhi is suffering from Adani phobia. They abused PM Modi and then apologized. He (Rahul) is only speaking what is being given to him in writing, Giriraj Singh told ANI in Kolkata.Earlier today, Congress Lok Sabha MP Rahul Gandhi called for Adanis arrest and said that it is clear and established that the Adani Group Chairman has broken both American and Indian laws.Wherever there is corruption, investigation should be done. But the investigation will begin with Adani. Unless he is arrested, it wont be credible. So, begin it from there. Arrest Adani, interrogate him and then nab whoever is involved. In the end, Narendra Modis name will come out because BJPs entire funding structure is in his hands. So, even if the PM wants, he cant do anything. In a way, Adani has hijacked the country. India is in Adanis grip,. Rahul Gandhi said.However, the Adani Group strongly refuted bribery allegations made by the US Department of Justice and the US Securities and Exchange Commission against directors of the Adani Green as baseless.The Adani Group spokesperson in an official statement said all legal recourse will be taken.The US Department of Justice and the US Securities and Exchange Commission against directors of Adani Green are baseless and denied, the statement read.The group further highlighted a key aspect of the legal proceedings, noting, As stated by the US Department of Justice itself, the charges in the indictment are allegations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. All possible legal recourse will be sought.US prosecutors had charged Gautam Adani and others in an alleged Solar Energy contract bribery case. A five-count criminal indictment has been unsealed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, charging prominent Indian executives including Chairman of the Adani Group Gautam Adani by linking them to an alleged bribery and fraud scheme. (Except for the headline, nothing has been changed by Top Indian News in the wire.)