Fire Accident: In the sweltering heat of Muzaffarnagar, a devastating fire broke out at a car showroom on Tuesday. The blaze, caused by a short circuit, engulfed the Maruti showroom. After the fire broke out the air conditioners exploded with loud bangs one after another.As soon as the fire was reported, fire brigade vehicles rushed to the scene and began efforts to control the flames. However, by the time the firefighters managed to bring the situation under control, the showroom had been reduced to ashes. The thick smoke clouds from the fire were visible from a distance, causing traffic to slow down on the National Highway.Rapid spread of fireThe incident occurred on Tuesday in the storeroom of Radha Govind Automobile showroom, located on the highway in the Nai Mandi Kotwali area. The fire started due to a short circuit, and the intense heat caused the AC units in the customer office to explode. The fire quickly spread throughout the showroom, leading to more AC units bursting.Watch the video here:UP : मुजफ्फरनगर में AC ब्लास्ट होने के बाद मारुति कार शोरूम में पिछले 2 घंटे से भीषण आग लगी हुई है। आसपास के जिलों से भी फायर ब्रिगेड गाड़ियां बुलवाई गई हैं। DM–SP मौके पर हैं। बचाव–राहत कार्य जारी है।— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) June 11, 2024Extensive firefighting effortsChief Fire Officer Anurag Kumar arrived at the scene with four fire engines. Additionally, fire tankers from nearby paper mills were called in to assist. Despite their efforts, the fire continued to rage, with AC units exploding intermittently, complicating the firefighting operations. To aid in controlling the blaze, fire engines were also summoned from Meerut and Saharanpur.#WATCH | Uttar Pradesh: Fire breaks out at an automobile showroom under the New Mandi Police Station area in Muzaffarnagar.— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) June 11, 2024Three-hour battle against flamesFirefighters worked tirelessly for approximately three hours before finally bringing the fire under control. During this time, vehicles from the showroom were evacuated to prevent further damage. The financial loss from the fire is estimated to be worth lakhs.Investigation underwayAfter the fire, CO City and the in-charge of New Mandi police station arrived at the scene to conduct an investigation. They inspected the site to determine the exact cause and assess the extent of the damage.