In a recent session of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) held on Friday, a heated clash erupted between councilors from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Amongst the intense exchanges, an unusual spectacle unfolded, marking the beginning of the MCDs April session with a distinct flair. BJP councilors took to dancing and swaying to Haryanvi tune abki baar 400 par creating a lively atmosphere within the chamber. This display, however, has prompted inquiries from the AAP regarding its appropriateness.Today, on April 26th, the anticipated election for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the MCD was scheduled to occur. Unfortunately, the proceedings could not proceed as planned due to a lack of quorum caused by the absence of several councilors.Despite the setback in conducting the elections, the Municipal Corporation meetings commenced in accordance with established protocols. Throughout the session, amidst the delay in electing the Mayor, both AAP and BJP councilors continued to engage in opposing dialogues and actions within the chamber. The situation escalated upon the Mayors arrival, leading to heightened uproar and prompting the Mayor to adjourn the session to a later date.ये तस्वीर दिल्ली MCD की है अंदर नाच गाना जारी है...ये हाल है MCD का...#delhimcd— ममता चतुर्वेदी/Mamta Chaturvedi (@chaturvedimamta) April 26, 2024BJP councilors dance and AAPs allegationsDuring the commotion, BJP councilors utilised Bluetooth speakers to play Haryanvi songs, energising the atmosphere with their dance moves. Notably, the lyrics of one of the Haryanvi songs were Phir se Modiji ki sarkar dekhna chahun so...abki baar 400 paar dekhna chahun so. Interestingly, this dance routine also saw female councilors from the BJP waving saffron scarves in sync with the music.Meanwhile, the Aam Aadmi Party took advantage of this incident to raise allegations against BJP councilors during the MCD session. Mayor Shaili Oberoi expressed her concerns regarding the behaviour of BJP councilors, particularly in light of the ongoing political climate. She remarked on social media, stating, BJP councilors are dancing. After taking away a brothers right, BJP councilors are celebrating. If Baba Saheb Ambedkar were alive today, this wouldnt have happened.Accusations and counter-accusationsIn response, Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj highlighted what he termed as a set procedural tradition regarding the appointment of the Presiding Officer for the upcoming Mayor elections. He emphasized that this procedural norm has been upheld for decades as part of constitutional tradition. However, he expressed dismay over what he perceived as attempts by the BJP-led central government to disrupt this long-standing constitutional tradition. Allegations were made regarding the appointment of Lieutenant Governors by the BJP-led central government, deviating from established norms.Further complicating matters, Minister Bharadwaj revealed that a file aimed at impeaching the current Mayor had been sent from the Urban Development Minister to the Lieutenant Governors office, bypassing the usual channels. He posed critical questions, stating, I want to ask the BJP-led central government and the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, is this a robbery Is this happening behind the curtain Or is this a political conspiracy These statements reflect the intensifying political tensions surrounding the MCD session and its related proceedings.