A tragic road accident in Greater Noida, India has claimed the life of a 30-year-old man. Pawan, a resident of Naurangpur village, was killed in the early hours of Saturday morning when his scooter was hit by an allegedly speeding car.The fatal collision occurred around 1am at the Gautam Buddha University roundabout in the Ecotech-1 area, police have reported. CCTV footage shows Pawans slow-moving scooter being struck by a WagonR car travelling in the opposite direction at high speed. After the impact, the car drove on without stopping, leaving Pawan fatally injured at the scene.Officers from Ecotech-1 police station were alerted to the incident by the local police response vehicle. A team arrived to find Pawan critically injured. He was rushed to GIMS hospital but tragically was declared dead on arrival by doctors.The driver of the WagonR fled the scene on foot after abandoning the vehicle nearby. Police have impounded the car as evidence but the culprit remains at large.Anuj Panwar, Station House Officer at Ecotech-1 police station, said: A case has been registered against the errant driver under charges of rash driving and causing death by negligence. We are investigating further to arrest the individual responsible for this tragic loss of life.Pawans sudden death has left family and friends grieving. Police are appealing for any witnesses to come forward as they work to bring the driver to justice over the fatal collision. The harrowing incident also highlights concerns over speeding and dangerous driving on Greater Noidas roads.