On Monday, in Chhattisgarhs Bijapur district, two jawans belonging to the 85th battalion of CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) were injured in an explosion caused by an improvised explosive device (IED). The injured jawans were promptly taken to the district hospital, and arrangements are being made to transfer them to Raipur for additional medical treatment.According to the Chhattisgarh Police, two CRPF jawans from the 85th battalion sustained injuries in a pressure-based improvised explosive device (IED) blast planted by Naxals in Bijapur district. After receiving initial treatment, the injured jawans are being airlifted to Raipur for further medical care.image source: twitterBijapur SP Anjaneya Varshney confirmed that the incident occurred in the Gangapur police station area. This incident is related to the regions security situation.In a separate incident that took place in April, Maoists carried out an IED blast in Dantewada district, resulting in the tragic loss of ten security personnel and a driver.The incident occurred within the jurisdiction of the Aranpur police station when a team from the state polices District Reserve Guard (DRG) was returning after carrying out an operation against Naxalites.