In a shocking incident, Delhi Police recovered a pistol from the bag of a ten-year-old boy at a school in the Najafgarh area, officials reported on Sunday. The discovery was made after the school administration alerted the authorities, having found the firearm in the childs possession. The pistol, which was licenced in the name of the boys father, who passed away a few months ago, was reportedly brought to school by the young boy on Saturday. According to officials, the process to cancel the weapons license has already been initiated, and an investigation into how the boy acquired the gun is currently underway. Shots Fired Outside Two Delhi Shops in Suspected Extortion Attempts In a separate series of incidents, motorcycle-riding gunmen opened fire outside a sweet shop and a jewellery store in Delhi in what police suspect are related extortion attempts. Fortunately, no injuries were reported in either of the shootings, which took place within a span of 24 hours. The first shooting occurred outside Singla Sweet Shop in West Delhis Tilak Nagar at around 11 PM on Friday. According to a police officer, the sweet shop was occupied by customers and workers when two assailants on a motorcycle fired at the shops front glass and then sped away. An FIR has been lodged, and the investigation has begun. Initial probes suggest that the sweet shop owner had received an extortion call from notorious gangster Kapil Sangwan, also known as Nandu, demanding Rs 2 crore just two weeks before the attack. The second incident took place on Saturday evening at a jewellery store in Mukherjee Nagar, northwest Delhi. Similar to the first attack, two shooters arrived on a motorcycle and fired shots into the air outside the shop. They also threw a slip of paper demanding Rs 1 crore from the jeweller, identifying themselves as members of the Bambiha Gang. Police have registered a case and are continuing their investigation into these alarming incidents.