Jharkhand chief minister Hemant Soren who was untraceable according to the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for more than 48 hours has now arrived at CM house in Ranchi. This development has come soon after ED raided his residence on Monday and he accepted that he will appear before ED on January 31.Meanwhile, amid all the heated speculations, Soren can be seen waving media persons while arriving in his car. Notably he is being probed in the alleged money laundering case linked to him.#WATCH | Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren arrives at his residence in RanchiHe is being probed by ED in money laundering case linked to an alleged land scam pic.twitter.com/8GZuSVz2Hk— ANI (@ANI) January 30, 2024Now, Soren is holding a meeting of the states ministers and ruling sides MLAs at CM residence in Ranchi to discuss the future course of action.Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren holds a meeting of the states ministers and ruling sides MLAs at CM residence in Ranchi. pic.twitter.com/OVM4ig3qZ0— ANI (@ANI) January 30, 2024It is also anticipated that Soren will get arrested if he appears before ED on January 31.According to ED sources, Soren agreed to a new round of interrogation by ED investigators on January 31 at his Ranchi home at around 1 pm in an email he wrote to the agency after leaving Ranchi on January 27 night for Delhi.In the meantime, section 144 Code of Criminal procedure has been imposed within the radius of 100 meters of chief ministers official residence.It is to be noted here that Soren was summoned by Enforcement Directorate on January 20 in connection with the case, and this is not the first time, before this, he was summoned nine times.