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Standing, running, walking, dancing and what not, our feet help us to do so many activities throughout the day but have you ever bothered about the way they look? Looking at them while wearing a pretty pair of heels and realising that you have got cracked heels and dry feet can be really heartbreaking. They can kill the whole mood and make you conscious at the same time. Well this is a remainder that your hard working feet need a little care and attention too.
Complaints about cracked heels are more common during winters, but some people often have the problem of cracked heels even in summers. If the heels remain cracked in every season, then the reasons behind it are carelessness in foot care, excessive dryness of the skin, excessive wearing of open footwear, coming in contact with bacteria and dust due to walking barefoot, lack of water. Drinking and lack of nutrients etc. may occur. At present, with the help of eating right, drinking plenty of water and some tips, you can get rid of cracked heels. Even during summer, if there is a problem of cracked heels and the skin on the soles of the feet is very hard, then it is important to pay attention to it. For now, try these natural ways by which you can not only get rid of cracked heels but will also make the skin of your feet soft.
First of all, take a ripe banana, cut it into pieces and mash it well, now add one spoon of honey and coffee powder in it. Apart from the heels, this paste can also be applied on the soles and other parts of the feet. After 25 to 30 minutes, when this pack starts drying, clean it by massaging with light hands. To get good results, apply this mask on your feet at least three times a week.
To get rid of cracked heels and to soften the skin of feet, mix glycerine, lemon juice and rose water in lukewarm water. Now soak your feet in this water for 20 to 25 minutes. After this, clean the dead skin accumulated on the heels with a scrubber. Now clean your feet and apply moisturizer. Repeat this twice a week.
To get rid of cracked heels, apply aloe vera gel mixed with glycerin and coconut oil. Leave it overnight. By applying this remedy daily, your heels and feet will start becoming soft in a few days.
Lemon juice not only acts as a bleaching agent but also helps in whitening the skin and is also a great agent for healing cracked heels. Cut a lemon in two halves and rub this on your feet. Do this for five minutes and wash off with water.