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Indian Navy Day 2023: Remembering 1971's decisive battles and heroic sailors

Indian Navy Day is celebrated on December 4 every year in order to honour the Indian Navy's efforts in protecting the nation's maritime borders.

Alina Khan
Last Updated : Monday, 04 December 2023
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India prepares to commemorate its valiant naval forces on the annual Indian Navy Day held on December 4 every year, when the country pays rich tributes to sailors martyred during the momentous 1971 Indo-Pak war.

Operation Trident: A Game-Changing Move 

India had launched Operation Trident in response to Pakistan's preemptive Operation Chengiz Khan airstrikes targeting Indian airbases in the western sector after political negotiations collapsed in 1971.

Three missile boats accompanied by two anti-submarine warfare frigates covertly approached Karachi through navigational skill, evading Pakistani reconnaissance. They then launched a surprise attack, scoring direct hits on critical fuel storage tanks, merchant vessel berths and the Karachi port itself through aggressive missile firing.

The incredibly risky mission executed with clockwork military precision helped cripple the Pakistani naval offence by setting its key harbour ablaze through immense destruction, with no loss of life on the Indian side. Alongside Python and Cactus strikes that followed, Trident represented a watershed victory that forced Pakistan's surrender within a fortnight – catalysing Bangladesh's historic birth.

Why Indian Navy Day is celebrated?

To recognise the Navy's heroic feats and razor-sharp execution that fateful December, the Indian government officially designated December 4 as Indian Navy Day – a commemoration now etched as the maritime service's most important anniversary.

The annual event sees proud, grand celebrations including parades, technology displays and patriotic programs as India expresses gratitude towards forces securing vast 21st century geopolitical interests on strategic Indo-Pacific waters.

The day carries profound significance for memorialising the Navy's combat successes alongside countless sacrifices while highlighting its modern identity as a formidable guardian spearheading India's geostrategic imperatives from Indian Ocean Region security to countering threats from state and non-state actors alike through deterrent projection of strength.

How to celebrate Indian Navy Day?

Citizens from across India mark the event through collective displays of solidarity with men and women in white uniform selflessly serving offshore on deployed warships, sometimes thousands of miles removed from families.

As India celebrates Navy Day 2023, citizens gear up to express gratitude towards naval personnel's commitment spanning generations in securing national security interests. The occasion also allows for showcasing naval prowess through parades and technological capability demonstrations.

Key public celebrations include watching awe-inspiring naval fleet reviews showcasing the latest indigenous equipment and innovations, joining awareness campaigns explaining maritime security nuances and importance as well as participating in tensions commemorating fallen heroes who laid down lives in the line of duty.

As India cherishes the occasion by underscoring the unyielding affinity between its lands and waters, the tricoloured Naval ensign flutters high as a beacon safeguarding national prosperity flowing through the seas. Through venerated days like December 4, the country renews multi-dimensional ties that bind over a billion beating hearts to the Indian Navy steel guarding the waves from the Mediterranean to Malacca straits.