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166, 000 people died due to extreme temperatures between 1998-2017. The temperature is continuously increasing and heat wave is also going on. Due to extreme heat, people are falling victim to many diseases. Cases of heat stroke have increased in hospitals. Heat stroke is such a problem that if not treated on time, it can also become fatal. In many cases, heat stroke can also cause multiple organ failure. This means that due to heat stroke, many body parts can get damaged simultaneously. In areas where there is extreme heat, the risk of death due to heat stroke is higher.
Recently, a 23-year-old girl in Rajasthan reached an AC office in the scorching heat and after some time fell unconscious. When taken to the hospital, it was found that he had brain hemorrhage. Not only this, in this scorching heat the temperature of your closed car parked in the sun is going up to 60 to 70 degrees. When you sit in your car in AC temperature, there are chances of you getting heatstroke. According to doctors, the chances of multiorgan failure are increasing due to heatstroke.
In the last two days, more than 25 patients have reached the hospital in Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, due to extreme heat. The situation is similar due to heat wave in about 26 districts of Rajasthan. Dr. Sudhir Mehta, head of the medicine department at SMS, Rajasthan's largest government hospital, told how due to the heat wave for some time, the number of patients in SMS hospital is also continuously increasing.
In such a situation, it is very important to protect children and the elderly from the heat. Apart from this, leave the house only when necessary and do not leave the house between 11 pm and 4 pm.
If a person gets hit by heat stroke, then some symptoms start appearing like dizziness, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea and severe headache may also occur. If these symptoms are seen in a person, then doctor's advice should be taken immediately.