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Fatty Liver: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Options

In a broad spectrum, fatty liver is a term used to describe the buildup of excessive fats in the liver. Fatty liver, also known as hepatic steatosis, is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. This excess fat can lead to inflammation and damage to the liver, which can impair […]

Edited By: Sonia Dham
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In a broad spectrum, fatty liver is a term used to describe the buildup of excessive fats in the liver. Fatty liver, also known as hepatic steatosis, is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. This excess fat can lead to inflammation and damage to the liver, which can impair its function.

Fatty liver can be caused by a variety of factors, including obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and excessive alcohol consumption. It can also be a side effect of certain medications, such as corticosteroids and chemotherapy drugs.

This condition can be minimised or avoided with a healthy diet and reduced alcohol intake. Let us learn more about the food we need to maintain a healthy liver and lifestyle.

  1. Fruits:

Besides being absolutely delicious, fruits are rich in fibres and are so effective that they tend to reverse the fatty liver condition and improve its functioning. Fruits like grapefruit, grapes, avocados, blueberries, cranberries, bananas, papayas, apples, watermelons, etc., should be abundantly included in the diet to detoxify the liver.

  1. Vegetables:

Spinach and other leafy vegetables, broccoli, peas, sweet potatoes, soybeans and soya products, beans, cauliflowers, garlic and tomatoes should form a prominent part of the diet of the person suffering from fatty liver. These are rich in fibres and other essential vitamins that help strip down the fat deposits in the liver and restore it to its normal function.

  1. Coffee and Green Tea:

Coffee is not only a necessity to help you get through the day, but it also contains a chemical called paraxanthine. This chemical has been found effective in alleviating fatty liver conditions. Moreover, green tea is publicly acclaimed for boosting the body’s metabolism. This property of green tea makes it effective in burning down the fat deposits in the liver, and thus both should be included in the diet.

  1. Nuts:

Nuts are densely rich in nutritional value and high in healthy fats. They boost health and prevent the occurrence of liver diseases. Walnuts, tree nuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc., help to reduce the fat deposits in the liver and thus should be consumed regularly to maintain a healthy body.


The fatty liver condition can cause many complications in the long term, and if not checked, it might lead to liver failure. Thus, we should all opt for these natural remedies to maintain a hearty and robust lifestyle.
