Sheikha Mahra Al Maktoum, the 30-year-old daughter of Dubais ruler, has made headlines once again with the release of her daring new perfume line, aptly named Divorce. Following her much-publicized separation from her husband, Sheikha Mahra is channeling her personal journey into her latest venture under her brand, Mahra M1. On Monday, the Dubai princess took to Instagram to unveil a teaser of the perfume, sparking significant buzz online. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @mahraxm1The Instagram post showcased an elegant black bottle engraved with the word Divorce, symbolizing a fresh chapter in her life. The video shared the day prior featured symbolic imagery, including shattered glass, black petals, and a sleek black panther, reinforcing the theme of empowerment and independence. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Shaikha Mahra Mohammed Rashed Al Maktoum (@hhshmahra)In a bold move that has captivated her audience, Sheikha Mahras perfume launch comes just weeks after she publicly announced her divorce on Instagram. The princess had posted a direct and emotional message aimed at her ex-husband, stating, “Dear husband, as you are occupied with other companions, I hereby declare our divorce. I divorce you, I divorce you, and I divorce you. Take care. Your ex-wife.” This unapologetic declaration garnered widespread attention, with many applauding her for her confidence and transparency.Who is Sheikha Mahra Al MaktoumSheikha Mahra, one of the 26 children of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, has a significant presence on social media, boasting nearly 1 million Instagram followers. Her father, Sheikh Mohammed, is one of the worlds wealthiest royals, with an estimated net worth ranging from $14 to $18 billion. As the vice president, prime minister, and defense minister of the UAE, he is a prominent figure both regionally and globally.With the release of Divorce, Sheikha Mahra is making a bold statement about self-expression and independence, positioning herself as both a trendsetter and a symbol of empowerment in the Middle East.