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The Indus Valley Civilization was active from the years 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE. Today it remains a legacy for its innovations and developments. Today let us explore some key developments and inventions that the ancient civilization brought to light.
The people of the ancient civilization used their own scripts consisting of approximately 400 symbols. Though undecipherable to us this language was once used to read and record information.
Possibly the first ever dice was discovered in the ancient Indus civilization, revealing that games were a part of their world. The dice were primarily made from terracotta. This is a type of fired clay which is still used today. Typically small, cubical objects measuring approximately 1.2 to 1.5 inches on each side.
Archaeologists have discovered skeletons with drilling done on the skull and teeth revealing that advanced medical knowledge was present. Rudimentary dentistry was likely present which was used for treating pain and removing debris. Surgeons and dentists were skilled in their art and used technology that was well-developed for that era.
Trading was a significant part of the society. Regions such as Mesopotamia were likely in the trading circle. Cotton cultivation was discovered here and was used for trading. A uniform system of measures and weights was adopted for not only trading but also construction.
The Harappans are considered the masters of bricklaying and their building science is admirable. The gridlocked cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa included wide streets, sophisticated drainage systems, and the first-ever flush toilets.
There are no traces of palaces, kings, or temples found suggesting that the society was more egalitarian. The most remarkable aspect is that despite the absence of governance, the ancient Indus Valley Civilization held a high standard of organization and economic sophistication.