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Aditi Tripathi, a 10-year-old girl who lives in South London with her parents Deepak and Avilasha, has travelled to almost 50 countries of Europe including Nepal, Singapore, and Thailand, without missing a single day of school. According to the sources, the little girl has travelled with her roving parents who wanted their child to be […]
Aditi Tripathi, a 10-year-old girl who lives in South London with her parents Deepak and Avilasha, has travelled to almost 50 countries of Europe including Nepal, Singapore, and Thailand, without missing a single day of school. According to the sources, the little girl has travelled with her roving parents who wanted their child to be a well-travelled individual.
The parents disclosed that they wanted that Aditi should travel the world and understand different cultures, foods, and people, without missing a single day of school. They devised the plan and started travelling at the very early age of their daughter. They planned the travel this way that they utilised the school vacations and bank holidays. The family spent almost £20,000 (which is over ₹21 lakhs) a year on travel, but they said that it was worth every penny.
Saying to media agencies, “She gets curious and excited seeing different cultures like Nepal, India, and Thailand. We started travelling with her when she was in nursery age 3 and she used to go to school for two and a half days per week,” said Tripathi.
“Now we pick her up straight from school on Friday and we take late night flight back at around 11 pm on Sunday. Sometimes we have arrived on Monday morning, and she goes straight to school from the airport,” he added.
According to the sources, Aditi’s parents work as accountants and they preplan their trips and save throughout the year for their trips. For this, they avoid eating out, don’t own a car, rely on public transport, and work from home to save the commuting cost. The couple also revealed that before Covid-19, they would be around 12 places in a year.
Aditi has travelled to almost every country in Europe despite her age. Her first trip was to Germany when she was just three.