In a bizarre incident coming out of Karnataka, a man in Hassan single-handedly captured a leopard on Friday and carried it around on his bike.A video of the incident, which took place at Bagivalu village of Arsikere taluk in Karnatakas Hassan district, is doing rounds on social media. In the video, a man, identified as 25-year-old Venugopal, alias Muthu, can be seen riding his two-wheeler with the big cat tied to the back.Hassan: A young man Himself catched a leopard and handed it over to the forest department. #Karnataka #forest— Abid Momin عابد مومن (@AbidMomin313) July 15, 2023No criminal intent behind tying leopard, act was in self-defence: AuthoritiesThe incident took place when Venugopal was going to his farmland and was attacked by the leopard. While Venugopal tried to chase the leopard away, it tried to attack again. At that point, Venugopal, showing incredible courage, caught hold of the animal and tied its limbs together with a rope.Then, with the help of a stick, he tied the animal to the back of his motorbike and started taking it towards his village. Venugopal was given first aid by the villagers, who alerted the Forest Department.The authorities arrived and took custody of the leopard, and then rushed the animal to a government veterinary hospital in their vehicle.The animal is being treated in a hospital in Gandasi, and its condition was reported to be stable. The leopard was reportedly suffering from a low platelet count due to malnutrition, which rendered it weak and unable to move, veterinary doctor Prashanth told Andhra-based news outlet The Hans India.“It is around nine-months old and must have strayed into the village in search of food,” Hassan DCF Ashish Reddy said, adding that the animal will be released into the wild after being kept in observation for three days.DCF Reddy confirmed that although hurting a wild animal is a criminal offence under the Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972, there was no ill intention behind the actions of Venugopal. “Our staffers have counselled him on what needs to be done on spotting wild animals in the neighbourhood,” he said.