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Nostradamus prediction on Islam: The renowned 16th-century French astrologer and prophet, Nostradamus, is known for his numerous predictions, many of which have gained attention due to their perceived accuracy. One of his more startling forecasts concerns the future of Islam. In one of his books, Nostradamus predicted a period of internal strife among Muslim communities that would tarnish the religion's image on the global stage.
Alongside this, he also mentioned significant environmental changes for 2024, foretelling a shift in weather patterns where drought-prone areas would face flooding and water-abundant regions would suffer droughts. Notably, Saudi Arabia, typically a dry region, recently witnessed heavy rains, impacting daily life for many citizens.
Nostradamus’ prophecy highlighted a future time marked by internal discord within Muslim-majority countries. The current state of affairs in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh, where internal struggles and conflicts are increasingly visible, seems to align with this prediction. Nostradamus wrote that extremist groups would damage the global perception of Islam to such a degree that many nations would hesitate to offer sanctuary to those affiliated with such movements.
Signs in various countries appear to echo Nostradamus’ predictions. In parts of Europe, such as the UK and France, governments are increasingly imposing restrictions on activities linked to Islamic extremism. Meanwhile, in Iran, protests have broken out against the mandatory wearing of the burqa, with citizens taking to the streets to demand change. In Iraq, a proposal to lower the legal marriage age for girls to nine years old has stirred considerable controversy and sparked widespread opposition, highlighting ongoing social debates in the region.