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Sometimes death can take a toll in such an unfathomable and obscure manner that even the most seasoned physicians are left gaping in awe. One such recent event has raised a considerable amount of conversation in the UK after the sudden death of a woman, which was initially thought to be caused by a tooth suffering a tooth pain. It is clearer now but the staff at the hospital had quite a scare after a postmortem was revealed.
As per the internet’s information this happened in Durham, United Kingdom where Lee Rogers, a 34 year old woman, had to deal with a rather violent tooth ache for 2 weeks. The sufferer said that the pain became so unbearable that it caused her jaw to hurt along with her neck and chest, which was the reason why she opted to go see a doctor. She was brought to the University Hospital of North Durham through ambulance. The doctors there opted to carry out a CT scan to figure out what was the exact reason for her discomfort.
The CT scan was primarily done to eliminate the probability of Ludwig’s Angina which is a very aggressive type of bacterial infection that if not taken care of immediately can turn life threatening. The point of this scan was to identify areas that were healthy or infected. The doctors made a careful but logical choice because there was some risk that the doctors anticipated.
A Fatal Allergic Reaction
For the scan to be executed, the doctors started with an iodine-based contrast dye. There was an enormous shock during the process, where Lee went into anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic response to the contrast agent. Her medical team tried their best first-aid measures but she could still not be resuscitated. In the medicolegal report, she was not suffering from a toothache. The reason for her death was at the end of the day a severe allergic response to the contrast dye used on the scan.
It was needed to perform an analysis because of the newly formed tragedy. The court deemed the case, as it truly is, one of the most unusual and sad cases ever. Medical practitioners of the area are very shocked and surprised because the incidence of such allergic reactions is very low.