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New Delhi: Many Microsoft Windows 10 computers are glitching across the world, leaving hundreds of thousands of people impacting. People are posting photos of their computer screens after their systems have suffered BSOD with the classic blue screen on the display. It has affected a major IT outage affecting banks, airports, supermarkets and businesses across Australia and world. However, it has been reported that the glitch is likely a result of an update issued by CrowdStrike. It is trending today, let's understand what is CrowdStrike Holdings and when it was founded.
It is happening due to faulty update from an IT security company called Crowdstrike.
It is an American cybersecurity technology company based in Austin, Texas. It provides penetration workload and endpoint security, threat intelligence, and cyberattack services. The company has been involved in several high-profile cyberattacks, including the Sony Pictures hack 2014, the 2015-16 cyber attacks on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the email leak including the DNC 2016. Its primary function is to protect companies and stop data breaches, ransomware and cyber attacks.
It was founded in 2011 by George Kurtz (CEO), Dimitri Alperovitch (former CTO), and Gregg Martson (CFO, retired) in 2011. The company launched its first product, CrowdStrike Falcon, which provided endpoint protection, threat intelligence and attribution.
The company was founded by former McAfee employee George Kurtz in 2012. Its ownership structure is a mix of individual investors, institutions and retail.
CrowdStrike helped investigate the Democratic National Committee cyberattacks and a connection to Russian intelligence services. On March 20, 2017, James Comey testified before congress stating, "CrowdStrike, Madiant and ThreatConnect review, it released a report stating that Russian government-affilated group Fancy Bear had hacked a Ukrainian atrillery app. They concluded that Russia had used the hack to cause large losses to Ukrainian artillery units.