A tragic incident unfolded in San Mateo, California, where a family of four, originally from Kerala, India, was discovered deceased inside their home on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. The victims were identified as Anand Sujith Henry (42), his wife Alice Priyanka (40), and their twin children Noah and Neithan (4).San Mateo police reported that two of the victims succumbed to gunshot wounds, while the cause of death for the other two remains undetermined. Authorities are probing the case as a potential murder-suicide, although other possibilities are not ruled out. Initially, there were speculations regarding carbon monoxide poisoning, but investigations found no evidence to support this theory.USA: Indian American family of 4 found dead in #CaliforniaA family of 4 from #Kerala, was found dead inside their home in #SanMateo, on Feb 13. The deceased were identified as Anand Sujith Henry (42), his wife Alice Priyanka (40), and their twin children Noah and Neithan (4). pic.twitter.com/k0DH1KriOm— Soundar C / சௌந்தர் செ (@soundarc2001) February 14, 2024Anand Sujith Henry and Alice PriyankaBoth Anand and Alice were professionals in the IT industry, residing in the US for nine years. Anand worked as a software engineer, and Alice held the position of a senior analyst. The couple, known for their amiable nature and dedication to their children, relocated to San Mateo County from New Jersey two years ago.Response from the Indian ConsulateThe Indian Consulate in San Francisco has extended its support to the familys relatives in India, offering consular assistance and condolences. This gesture underscores the consulates commitment to aiding the Indian American community in times of distress.Meanwhile, despite ongoing investigations, the motive behind this tragic incident remains elusive. Authorities await the results of autopsies and forensic analyses to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the deaths.Series of Unfortunate IncidentsThis distressing event adds to a concerning trend of fatalities involving Indian students in the US. Recent cases, such as the deaths of Sameer Kamath and Neel Acharya, have sparked heightened awareness and apprehension within the community.