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The Concept and Implementation of NATO: A Brief Look at NATO, Its Membership, Policies and Principles

Written by Shobhana Ahluwalia The role of NATO in conjunction with the Ukraine-Russia conflict and its relevance in the contemporary world requires our attention. NATO which is an acronym for the name ‘North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’ was created in 1949 by a group of western nations, essentially as a military alliance, which would provide a […]

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Written by Shobhana Ahluwalia

The role of NATO in conjunction with the Ukraine-Russia conflict and its relevance in the contemporary world requires our attention. NATO which is an acronym for the name ‘North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’ was created in 1949 by a group of western nations, essentially as a military alliance, which would provide a security umbrella against encroachment in Europe by the then Soviet Union.

War is however, a last resort and as is proclaimed on its website, NATO is “committed to the peaceful resolution of the dispute”. Thus NATO which originally consisted of twelve nations and now boasts thirty members is an organisation with an important peacetime function. However, when war cannot be avoided NATO provides member nations with the military means of waging war.

NATO has played a crucial role in the Ukraine-Russia conflict and its involvement may determine the outcome of the war. While NATO has not aided Ukraine through manpower or sent its troops to the front lines, it has provided the Ukrainians with vital military equipment and weapons to fight the war. In fact, NATO has helped in the self-defence of Ukraine ever since the 2014 invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the annexation of the strategic Crimean peninsula. Thus Russia’s territorial ambitions with respect to Ukraine have been checked by the existence of NATO.

Not only does NATO provide Ukraine with military aid but it is vocal in its support for Ukraine. Its website ‘nato int.’ proclaims that NATO “condemns in the strongest possible terms Russia’s brutal and unprovoked war against Ukraine___which is an independent, peaceful and democratic country and a close NATO partner.” However, the crucial word in this context is ‘partner’ While NATO is Ukraine’s ally, Ukraine, an east European country, has thus far been denied membership of NATO by its predominantly west European member states. In 1991 Ukraine, having gained independence from the Soviet Union joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council and cooperation between NATO and Ukraine has been primarily military in nature seeking to enhance Ukraine’s defence capability.

Russia has also sought peacetime to discourage Ukraine from seeking NATO membership. The Hindustan Times in its issue of February 25, 2022, reports the Russian point of view: “In brief Russia believes Ukraine is moving closer and closer to the West via both the NATO, or North Atlantic Treaty Alliance, and the European Union.” Russia feels threatened by Ukraine’s possible membership of NATO as this would greatly add to Ukraine’s military strength.

The most important member of NATO is identified by the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs as the US. The US as the chief sponsor of NATO providing men and equipment for military engagement has, on occasion used the threat of “troop withdrawal to pressure US allies to contribute more to the alliance or face the prospect of declining US commitment to Europe”* The US is also the only member of NATO to possess the conventional and nuclear capability to deter an attack on its allies in Europe. The USA thus through NATO guarantees the security of its European allies and its leadership role also encompasses its economic power to impose punishing sanctions on the enemies of the alliance.

The structure and history of NATO defines its role in the contemporary world. Its success in preventing Soviet and later Russian advance into Europe makes it an international alliance that carries weight in the political discourse of today. During the Cold War countries in Asia fell like dominoes to communism but due to the existence of NATO the advance of communism was deterred in Europe. In conclusion, it may be observed that NATO’s credentials as a military alliance gives it great viability in today’s world.

*Tad A. Schnaufer II in The US-Nato Relationship: The Cost of Maintaining Political Pressure on Allies (Georgetown Journal of International Affairs: January 15, 2021)

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