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Iran university naked student: In a powerful act of defiance against Iran’s mandatory hijab laws, a courageous student at Amir Kabir University in Tehran openly refused to cover her hair. Her protest against the country’s strict dress code laws quickly escalated when security forces moved in to detain her. As a symbolic rejection of the oppressive regulations, she removed her outer dress, signaling her opposition to the enforced hijab laws.
The situation took a violent turn when security forces aggressively approached the young woman. Shortly after this recorded video ended, witnesses reported that she was severely beaten by members of the intelligence services. With a visibly injured and bleeding head, she was forcibly taken away in an unmarked van, her courageous stand met with a brutal response.
Iran has been gripped by increasing unrest over the country’s compulsory hijab regulations, with women risking their safety to protest restrictions on personal freedom. This recent incident at Amir Kabir University highlights the escalating tensions and the lengths some are willing to go to voice their disapproval of restrictive laws. For many in Iran, this young woman’s stand has become a symbol of the larger struggle for women’s rights and personal freedoms.