Russia’s fresh attacks on Ukraine ahead of NATO summit, Zelenksy responses

Ukraine still suffers intensified attacks by Russian armed forces. The Ukrainian military claimed heavy fighting in the east and southeast regions of the country. The military said that the main theatres of its drive to recapture land seizure by Russian invaders, saying its forces had repelled dozens of enemy attacks in the country.  Volodymyr Zelensky’s […]

Alina Khan
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Ukraine still suffers intensified attacks by Russian armed forces. The Ukrainian military claimed heavy fighting in the east and southeast regions of the country. The military said that the main theatres of its drive to recapture land seizure by Russian invaders, saying its forces had repelled dozens of enemy attacks in the country. 

Volodymyr Zelensky’s stance on recent attacks 

Taking notes from the recent attacks, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky, who expressed a measure of frustration with NATO’s failure to offer Ukraine a timeline for alliance membership, suggests that the early stages of a counter-offensive in those two regions are going to plan. 

However, the Ukrainian president also says that he wishes the advances were faster. 

Currently, Russia from the front line also outlined clashes, which include a massive defence system near the devastated city of Bakhmut, where Ukraine claims its forces are recovering the ground. 

Ukraine’s counter-attacks against Russian forces

Speaking to the media, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s General Staff, Andriy Kovaliov said that its troops had beaten back Russia’s strikes near two towns north of Bakhmut, a city captured by Russian mercenary forces in late May. 

Further, the violent situation near Bakhmut has been the key focus, with Ukraine noting gains in the city’s southern region, especially in Klischiivka village. 

On Monday, Ukraine said that it controlled heights ringing in the village enabling it to fire on targets in Bakhmut itself.

Russian on Ukraine advances 

The Russian Defence Ministry said its forces had repelled nine attempted Ukrainian advances in the eastern Donetsk region, including one drive near Kliishchivka.

Further, the Zelensky-led military has retaken a cluster of villages in the early stages of a drive towards the Sea of Azov – with the aim of severing Russia’s land bridge linking eastern Ukraine to the Crimea peninsula, which it annexed in 2014.

In a Telegram post, Ukrainian General Oleksander Tarnavskyi said that battles were raging throughout the sector, with his forces repelling 27 enemy attacks. The official estimated Russian losses over 24 hours at the equivalent of several hundred dead and wounded.

While Ukraine gets the gains in its counter-offensive, the Russian military still holds vast tracts of land after more than 500 days of war – some estimates put it at 17 per cent of Ukrainian territory.