Putin gifts Russian limo to Kim Jong Un; Does it violates UN sanction?

According to the Kremlin, Kim expressed admiration for the car during his visit to Russia in September, where he was even seen riding in it with Putin.

Satyam Singh
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Courtesy: ANI

Deepening ties between Russia and North Korea took a luxurious turn on Tuesday as Russian President Vladimir Putin gifted a high-end Aurus limousine to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for his personal use. The gesture, while touted as a symbol of friendship, has sparked criticism and concerns about the violation of UN sanctions.

Why has Putin gifted the luxurious car to Kim Jong Un?

According to the Kremlin, Kim expressed admiration for the car during his visit to Russia in September, where he was even seen riding in it with Putin. This seemingly innocuous display of automotive appreciation has now landed Russia in hot water, as experts point out that sending luxury goods to North Korea directly contradicts UN resolutions aimed at pressuring the nation to denuclearize.

Kim Yo Jong receives the gift

Kim's sister, Kim Yo Jong, received the gift and conveyed gratitude to Putin, emphasizing the 'deep relationship' between their nations. However, the lavish gesture has invited scrutiny from various corners. 

What is prohibited in the US sanctions on North Korea?

The UN resolution passed under Chapter VII Article 41 of the United Nations Charter, explicitly prohibits the export of luxury items to North Korea, with the aim of curbing its nuclear ambitions.

Russia and North Korea defends the move

Both Russia and North Korea have downplayed the controversy, asserting that the gift adheres to international regulations. The Russian foreign ministry spokesperson highlighted the 'illegal sanctions' imposed by the West, suggesting that providing a limousine falls outside the prohibited category.

The latest development comes amidst heightened tensions between these nations and the West. North Korea faces international sanctions due to its nuclear program, while Russia is boycotted by the West for its ongoing war in Ukraine.

Despite this isolation, they have strengthened their ties in recent years, including joint military exercises and economic cooperation. While the true purpose of the limousine gift remains unclear, it certainly fuels concerns about Russia's potential disregard for international sanctions and its growing alliance with a nation deemed a national security threat by many.