New Delhi: In a groundbreaking event, Elon Musk introduced his latest innovation—Optimus robots, which are set to change the way people approach daily tasks. The Tesla CEO presented these humanoid robots as multifunctional assistants capable of serving drinks, walking dogs, mowing lawns, and even fetching groceries. It can walk your dog, mow your lawn, get the groceries, just be your friend, Musk remarked, highlighting the robots diverse functionality.During the unveiling, attendees had the opportunity to interact with Optimus robots, experiencing firsthand their capabilities, such as serving drinks to guests. Musk emphasized the accessibility of this advanced technology by announcing that at full scale, consumers could purchase an Optimus robot for a price range between $20,000 and $30,000.NEW: Elon Musk introduces an army of Optimus robots, says people will be able to buy them to complete tasks.Epic.Musk then said attendees could walk up to the Optimus robots who would do things like serve drinks.At scale, you should be able to buy an Optimus robot for…— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 11, 2024Musks vision to lead new eraThis development is expected to usher in a new era of automation and robotics, making once-distant technological dreams a reality. With Musks vision, these robots could soon be performing everyday tasks for people, redefining convenience in homes and businesses alike.Teslas Optimus robots aim to offer both practical and social benefits, positioning them as essential companions for the modern world. As production scales up, these machines may soon be available to the broader public, making high-tech automation more affordable than ever.