New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a man lost his life after deliberately crashing a small aircraft into an industrial plant owned by his former employer in Rosario, Argentina. The incident involved Juan Manuel Medina, who piloted a Cessna 152 plane directly into the plant, resulting in his death.Disturbing video surfaces onlineA disturbing video of the crash has surfaced on social media, capturing the final moments of Medinas life. The footage shows the small aircraft as it descends rapidly before crashing into the industrial facility. The video has since gone viral, sparking widespread shock and concern.WATCH: An ex-employee of a company dedicated to the sale of medical oxygen, intentionally crashes his Cessna 152 into the companys plant in Rosario,— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) August 10, 2024Local authorities are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident. Initial reports suggest that the crash was a deliberate act, possibly motivated by unresolved grievances with Medinas former employer. The investigation aims to uncover the full details of what led to this tragic event.The community is in shockThe Rosario community has been left stunned by the incident, with many expressing disbelief over the deliberate nature of the crash. As the investigation continues, authorities are focusing on Medinas background, his employment history, and any potential factors that may have contributed to this devastating act.The crash has raised significant concerns about workplace relations and the mental health challenges faced by individuals in stressful job environments. The incident is a stark reminder of the tragic consequences that can result from unresolved conflicts and mental distress.