Recent videos circulating on social media have raised alarm in Bangladesh, showing radical groups, including the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami, targeting women at Coxs Bazar beach for wearing what they deem as inappropriate clothing. The footage depicts individuals being harassed for not adhering to conservative dress codes such as the burqa or hijab.The videos, which have gained widespread attention, reveal disturbing scenes of intimidation where women are confronted and coerced for their attire. This situation reflects a growing concern about the increasing influence of radical elements in the region, which are trying to impose strict dress codes on the public.Sharia Rule in Bangladesh!!Multiple videos viral on social media claiming radical groups including student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami cadres targeting girls at Coxs Bazar beach for wearing normal clothes instead of burqa or hijab.Next— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates) September 14, 2024Comparisons and concernsThe incident in Bangladesh has sparked comparisons to the situation in Afghanistan, where similar radical enforcement of dress codes has been a significant issue. Observers are worried that the rising extremism in Bangladesh could mirror the severe restrictions seen in Afghanistan, raising fears about the potential for similar enforcement of conservative rules.Authorities responseAs the videos continue to spread, there is growing pressure on the Bangladeshi authorities to address the issue and ensure the safety of women in public spaces. The governments response to this incident is closely watched by both national and international communities, as it may set a precedent for how such radical actions are managed moving forward.