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An Indian-American 18-year-old named Akul Dhawan was denied entry into a club in Illinois on January 20. The teen was left outside with temperatures hitting -20 to -30 degrees with wind chills. Dhawan unfortunately froze and passed away.
He was a student at The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He was reported missing for many hours before he was found. Champaign County Coroner's Office in Illinois stated "acute alcohol intoxication and prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures, which significantly contributed to his death." Although signs of hyperthermia were detected in Dhawan's body, the cause of death is still under investigation by the campus police.
An important point to note is that he was intoxicated yet the club still denied entry to the teen. Why was he left outside the freezing temperatures? This must be investigated.
Dhawan was out with his friends at approximately 11:30 PM. They decided to head to the Canopy Club, which was near the campus. Investigators reported that he attempted "multiple times" to enter the club premises but was not let in.
Several calls from family and friends were made to him that went unanswered. As per the police, an officer drove "at a walking pace" in the area of the "likely path" that Dhawan must have taken to return to the campus, in hopes of finding him.
The police and emergency medical services received a call the next morning from a staff member of the university. The employee had noticed "a man on the back porch of a building". According to the police he was "dead at the time he was found".
Ish and Ritu Dhawan, Akul Dhawan's parents said that the location where Akul was found was only 400 feet away from the area where he was reported missing. They found this information based on Akul's phone's location-tracking data.
His parents shared that Akul was attending the University of Illinois and was enrolled in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as he wanted to pursue robotics. His parents expressed that they wished that he had studied closer to home. Our hearts go out to the Dhawan family.