Italys Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has taken a stand against the spread of deepfake videos targeting her by seeking 100,000 euros in damages. The incident involves the creation and circulation of pornographic videos that superimpose Melonis face on someone elses body. The videos were uploaded online by two individuals—a 40-year-old man and his 73-year-old father—who are now facing charges of defamation.Report on Giorgia Melonis deepfake videosThe report indicates that Italian authorities were able to track down the suspects by tracing the smartphone used to upload the deepfake videos. These videos, dating back to 2022, were distributed during a period when Giorgia Meloni was not holding the position of Italys prime minister.Giorgia Melonis legal teams responseGiorgia Meloni is scheduled to testify in court in July regarding this matter. The indictment alleges that the deepfake videos were uploaded to a pornographic website based in the United States and were viewed millions of times over several months. Despite the significant damages claimed, Melonis legal representatives have clarified that the request for compensation is symbolic. The entire amount, if awarded, will be donated to support women who have experienced male violence.The lawyer representing Giorgia Meloni, Maria Giulia Marongiu, emphasised that seeking compensation sends a powerful message to women who face such abuses of power. It encourages them not to hesitate in taking legal action against perpetrators of such acts.Possibility of jail time for accusedGiven that the charges involve defamation, there is a possibility that the accused individuals could face criminal repercussions, including the potential for a jail sentence, based on Italian law.