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Father leaves toddler inside car at 43 degree celsius, video of response surfaces | WATCH

In July, Christopher Scholtes was arrested after leaving his daughter Parker inside a car parked under scorching 109°F temperatures. Scholtes reportedly left Parker in the vehicle while he played video games at home.

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Screengrab of the video showing incident (X/Morbidful)

New Delhi: A recent release of Marana police bodycam footage sheds light on the heartbreaking case involving Christopher Scholtes, a 37-year-old father, who is facing severe legal consequences following the death of his 2-year-old daughter, Parker. The footage captures Scholtes' reaction upon discovering his daughter's tragic fate after being left in a hot vehicle.

Details of incident 

In July, Christopher Scholtes was arrested after leaving his daughter Parker inside a car parked under scorching 109°F temperatures. Scholtes reportedly left Parker in the vehicle while he played video games at home. According to statements, he chose not to wake her from her nap because she appeared to be peacefully sleeping when they returned from a shopping trip.

Take a look at the video: 

Impact of the incident 

The release of the police bodycam footage has stirred a considerable emotional response from the public. The footage captures Scholtes' distress and disbelief as he learns about the death of his daughter. This tragic incident has not only left a lasting impact on the family but also raised broader questions about child safety and parental responsibility.

Authorities' stance

Law enforcement officials have emphasized the gravity of the charges, underlining that the case will be handled with the utmost seriousness. The upgraded charge to first-degree murder indicates the prosecution's intention to pursue the highest possible penalty, reflecting the severity of the negligence involved.

