In a tragic incident in Canada, an Indian couple visiting the country along with their 3-month-old grandchild lost their lives in a devastating highway collision. The collision occurred when a robbery suspect, pursued by Ontario Police and driving in the wrong direction, collided with the vehicle carrying the Indian family.Fatal Collision DetailsThe collision resulted in the deaths of four individuals, including the robbery suspect, as confirmed by Ontarios Special Investigations Unit (SIU). Among the deceased were a 60-year-old man and a 55-year-old woman, who were visiting from India. Additionally, the parents of the infant, a 33-year-old father and a 27-year-old mother from Ajax, were also in the vehicle. While both parents were rushed to the hospital for treatment, the mother sustained serious injuries, according to the SIUs statement.Authorities indicated that the tragic chain of events began with a robbery at a liquor store in Bowmanville, leading to a high-speed chase by Durham police. The pursuit, involving a cargo van driven by the suspect, culminated in a collision on Highway 401 in Whitby, approximately 50 kilometers east of Toronto.Investigation and AutopsiesThe SIU conducted autopsies for the victims in Toronto following the incident. Currently, a team of seven investigators, one forensic investigator, and one collision reconstructionist is diligently examining the case.Milica Maljkovic Birkett, who witnessed the harrowing police chase and narrowly escaped herself, recounted her experience. She described the shock of suddenly encountering the suspects van driving towards her on the wrong side of the road during her regular commute on Highway 401.Expressing the profound impact of the incident, Maljkovic Birkett mentioned the ongoing struggle to process what had happened. She conveyed her gratitude for surviving the ordeal while expressing sorrow for the loss of four lives in the tragic collision.