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Doomsday is near! Researchers predict exact date of Earth's collision with THIS massive asteroid

Although Bennu's potential impact wouldn't trigger a global extinction event akin to the dinosaur era, its collision could cause devastation within a 965-kilometer radius of the impact zone.

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Scientists have identified a potential collision course between Earth and the asteroid Bennu, which is slated for September 24, 2182. While this eventuality is on the horizon, the likelihood of it occurring remains incredibly low, offering a sense of reassurance amid cosmic uncertainties.

Bennu, a 1,581-foot-wide asteroid, is no stranger to Earth's vicinity, making periodic visits every six years. Despite its size and proximity, the probability of a collision is minuscule, estimated at a mere 1 in 2,700, or a mere 0.037%, according to meticulous calculations by NASA's dedicated OSIRIS-REx team.

Why Bennu matters?

Although Bennu's potential impact wouldn't trigger a global extinction event akin to the dinosaur era, its collision could cause significant devastation within a 965-kilometer radius of the impact zone. This realization underscores the importance of closely monitoring Bennu's trajectory and preparing for any unforeseen eventualities.

NASA's mission for Earth's safety

NASA's ongoing OSIRIS-REx mission holds paramount importance in understanding Bennu's characteristics and trajectory. The mission aims to gather invaluable data that would be instrumental in developing deflection strategies should the need arise in the distant future.

With years of meticulous study and analysis, NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission is in its final stages, poised to deliver critical insights into Bennu's behavior. This wealth of information will form the foundation for devising effective strategies to alter Bennu's course, ensuring Earth's safety from potential impacts.

Upcoming close flyby

While the anticipated collision date is over a century away, Bennu is expected to make a close flyby on September 25, 2135. This encounter presents a unique opportunity for scientists to refine their predictive models, enhancing our understanding and preparedness for future cosmic interactions.

Although the notion of an asteroid collision may evoke apprehension, the inherent low probability of Bennu impacting Earth, coupled with NASA's proactive approach and technological advancements, offers a reassuring outlook. 
